What is Preventive Care? Understanding the Basics

What is Preventive Care? Understanding the Basics

The saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and when it comes to your health, this is particularly true. It is much easier to stay healthy than to try to restore your health when it has been lost. Dr. Deana Al-Khateeb of Ridgeview Internal Medicine in Woodbridge, VA, believes in the benefits of preventive care. 

Visit your internist regularly

 Preventive Care in Woodbridge, VA, begins with developing a relationship with your doctor and making regular visits. Your doctor can't keep track of any potential problem if they don't know you and see you on schedule. Dr. Al-Khateeb will take a family history so that any potential conditions that tend to run in your family can be monitored. Having this information makes it easier for your doctor to determine when you should be getting preventive tests.

As part of your regular visit to the internist, your blood pressure will be measured and a cholesterol test done. High blood pressure and cholesterol usually have no symptoms, but with regular check-ups the correct measures can be taken to make sure that they are controlled. With lifestyle changes, these conditions can often be controlled without medication. 

Mental wellness

 Your doctor is your healthcare partner, and together you can make sure that you are physically and mentally healthy. You should feel comfortable discussing anything that is causing you anxiety and any symptoms you are experiencing. Depression, fear, and stress are all things that your general physician needs to be looped in on to provide you with the best care. 


 Even adults need to have booster shots for some vaccinations. It is always a good idea to discuss whether you should have a yearly flu shot, and for older adults, RSV vaccine, pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine, and shingles vaccine. You should also make sure your tetanus vaccine is up to date. 

Contact us

 For help with preventive care in Woodbridge, VA, Dr. Al-Khateeb of Ridgeview Internal Medicine is the one to see. To make an appointment, give our office a call at (703) 494-4116

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2000 Opitz Blvd Woodbridge, VA 22191